
Showing posts from April, 2010

what the face

That face. Sometimes I made the wrong facial expression in a situation. You see, I believe that I dont really have much of genuine facial expression. I learned how to react like normal people do-mainly from movies. That's why one of the reason why I really like TV series. They gave me so much of how-to-react lessons. It's like I have a tape inside my head that record all of these lessons and make a matching situation-reaction process. After recording, this tape could tell me what to do. An instant voice that telling what to do. Of course in modern life, we learn how to use instant messenger or microblogging. So I learn what to type (say) too. FOr example, if someone say that he/she is hapy then my tape will order me to say "I'm happy that you are happy". The tape tells me what is good to do. If they're happy with what I say or respond THEN I would feel genuinely happy too. Back to what I was going to share, sometimes I made the wrong facial expressions. T