
Showing posts from September, 2009


My soft side, she o the depressed one is pushing me down these couple of day. I can barely think straight with her on the plane. Her hormone are raging mad. Yes, I do feel like a sissy. So weak! Yuck! She dances through love songs and broken hearted music, I can't stand it. I'm losing my balls! Sent from my durengoreng®


I like the view of dropping blood...splatters...or a pool of blood...especially over white surface

Today's vow

I will drive her insane the way she drives me insane. I'll make my mom hate my brother the way I hate him for being a big self-centered baby. I'll make you scream, mom. I'll make you see what I have gone through to put up with you. You'll feel as shitty as I am. That's a promise. *last night my fuck face bro didn't come home again. The results is always the same. My mom worried like a stepped-on-toe horse and launched her anger towards me for being a cold bitch.* Her Famous Fucking Quote: "why can't you understand my feeling?" Fuck your feeling, bitch. Eat shit. Goddamnit! I'm so tired of this! It drained me empty! I am just so me.
I feel empty. I don't feel anything. So I lay on my bed all day long. Something stole my lungs. It's hard to breathe. I want to connect to other people. I just don't wanna talk and touch.
I gritted my teeth last night. Hard. I wasn't even realizing it until it hurts. Something wrong. I'm unconsciously feeling anger over everything. After that I feel sick.

unforgettable movie scene 4

A bitch way to die! That's what comes to my mind when I watch this. Yep, another Final Destination death scene. This one is from Final destination 3. Of all the deaths, I think this one is the most horrible way. Cause it takes time to die..and burned..and in hell of a pain..getting ripe in the inside! Yee haaaa!

unforgettable movie scene 3

And when they thought all the danger of being hit by a train is gone....and splat! ahahaha...I never forget this scene. I constantly say, "damn! didn't see THAT coming!" I always afraid of watching Final destination. You really just can't cheat death.I hate things that is out of my control.