
Showing posts from April, 2017


A religion I identify with is truly hated by someone I love. My sexual preference is hated by most of world population. My gender is considered as secondary by half of my species. My abusive past is commonly questioned as lies. My personality disorder makes even the professionals confused. But it's okay. If I reverse these facts, I'm still not alone.

it says don't consume alcohol while taking this medication

I don't know if it was only one of us who took the decision. But we wanted to sleep. So we took some sleeping pills while we were so drunk. It ended kinda horrible but at least I woke up. Just gotta pay the price with vomiting and pain everywhere and super tired the whole day.

I wish I can physically choke her

Yes, I am completely aware of the white bear effect. But what if there is no effort from my part? It's just her being a complete asshole.