Bitch Rat

Bitch ass everywhere! Bitch ass here..bitch ass there..let's do a lil dance, bitch! hahahahahaha....Sing it!

Oh, how stupid women when they start to open their mouth. All I can hear is yap, yap, yap, yap, yap....this bitch can't even say things more than 3 words! 3 words mothafucka!

What do you think, Mithya? Help me out here. What do you think her problem is? Abandonement issue? Or I hear something about being a hypocrite. Have you? You do? I think she have problem with THINKING. That's right. Women. THEY HAVE PROBLEM WITH THINKING. There's something WRONG WITH THEIR BRAIN. Why did God made women give birth and raised children in the first place? Well if a man does it, he better sell the lil bastard and start buying home theatre! hahahaha...How stupid a women could be?
She was abandoned and then she cried..and cried..and cried..DOH, you fucking another man's wife? DOH? You had it your way, bitch. And then came along another bitches who cried the same stupidity they've done. Oh, how happy she was. "I gotta a stupid friend! I got a stupid friend!", with her squeaky little annoying voice. Bitch. Well, what does she do? She stick with 'em! She got no one now. Of course she gotta stick with 'em. Women, you got feet. There, you see? Two long pipe-like? The one you using to stand up? Yea, it's yours. Not anyone else. Whatcha doin stickin with other stupid bitches?

I never went to her house though. Too slippery. Not much words to say either. Yap, yap, yap...What THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, BITCH? Want me to stuck my razor right on yer eyes, bitch? And read your words carefully through yer ear. Whisper it..bunch of lesbian bitch licking other lesbian bitches ass. What a moron. Like rats! They showed up...smell like a rot sewer...dirty. And when you stomped on the floor, those little bitch scurried in to their little holes. Yeah, the bitch is a rat. Coward bitch rat. Speak, bitch. You lose your tongue? You're an idiot? Oh..I'm're RETARDED? *mocking gasp*

My God, forgive me for I have sinned. I make fun of a retarded bitch. I'm praying here on my knees, God. Let her think. Let her speak. Lift her idiotic brain to your warm soul and put shit in her blank black hole on top of her neck.

Fucking bitch.

Let me think here..*think..think..think.* This is what WE MEN say a proof of GROUPTHINK. When people grouped..and I must say when BITCHES grouped, they tend to think that they are superior. They are not capable of making ANY MISTAKES. If there are any doubts or contradictory, it will be rejected (Janis, 1982). Amen!

No one is safe from this GROUPTHINK. Humans, when you start to flock like animals do. You WILL once in a while fall in to this stupid, stupid problem called GROUPTHINK. You dont believe me? ask Mithya. She's the one who learned it in Social Psychology hahahaha...good job girl. Now, sit!

I rest my case. I dont give a fuck with this coward bitch rat anymore. She can eat shit for all I care. Yeah, the one sticking on your it!


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