I still vote to end it, there is no use to prolong this

We are not okay. We are fighting every day because she can't pull herself together after she lost the very person that ironically I condemn as a selfish evil. We fight everyday because we can't choose one feeling to understand what it is that we are truly feeling. I don't know how long she will survive this facade. She lets me put on a front but I feel what she feels. She tries so hard to be positive and I've tried so hard to protect her harder than ever.

but betrayal is always the biggest wound she couldn't handle right. That's what destroyed her and I am what have become out of it. How can I help her when I'm a product of the very pain she's struggling to accept now?

We have no one. Not the ones that understand.

We only settle with one word to explain what it is we feel in our chest. Heavy.


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