
Mithya have to stop believing in others. She can only count on me. I repeatedly proved her that I’m reliable. I never dissapoint her. I’m always there when she was down. Not even that girlfriend of hers. She uses her. She doesnt know how painful it is for mithya to wait for her on the phone. Slowly abandoning her. She knows she has trust issues and she just keeps on pushing her to wait for her. Well it’s enough. I wont let her hurt Mithya anymore! Thank God I give Mithya the solution. To do things. To take her mind off of her. So she wouldn’t feel lonely all the time. We’re strong together. I’m the one to take over the body now most of the time. Give a lil cheery voice. Like everything’s Ok. They wouldn’t know I’m in charge. I’m even smiling now. A genuine smile for a long time for us. Do you know how precious it is? I have all these good ideas for us to take in the future. And it’ll start with a razor. A real one. No more playing around. No more amateur games coz it’s embarassing for me.


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