why can't I hurt myself?

I don't understand why can't I hurt myself? I'm still doing it in a safe level. I only cut myself on my left hand and it's not even that deep. Just enough to see it bleed. I even stop doing it once my left hand is too full and I can't add any cut no more.

Hitting something hard might make me feel good too. But too dangerous. If I broke my hand, what'll I do? Go to the hospital? DUH! And I'm sure it'll hurt like hell. Hahaha..I'm not looking for THAT kind of hurt. Just seepish, tiny, little pain..searing..woah!

After I'm done, I always use the alcohol. Hahaha..I dont want to get any disease.

You see..I don't hurt anyone by cutting myself. I don't even hurt ME. Instead I make myself feel better. I don't have to feel any pain again inside my chest. It'll be gone. I wish people understand that. I'm not kidding when I say it hurt much more inside my chest.


TLR said…
really? it doesnt hurt?
Mithya said…
of course it hurts =) but that's what I'm looking for.

Have you been accidentally cut your finger by a thin paper? exactly like that. Only diff is you got cut by 20 more paper all across your arms.

Not that bad right?
Unknown said…
Lo tau cara nguranginnya? Gw hampir tiap hari menggores atau staples tangan gw. belakangan makin ketagihan.
Unknown said…
Lo tau cara nguranginnya? Capek rasanya tapi gw ga bisa berhenti.
Salam kenal Noel.
Mithya said…
Hey, garis putih. Salam kenal juga. Jujur, ngga ada obat atau terapi yang bisa bener2 ngilangin kebiasaan kita nyakitin diri sendiri. Tapi kalau pertanyaan lo mengurangi, first of all, lo udah ngomongin hal ini ke siapa? salah satu kuncinya adalah untuk cerita ke orang yg ngerti. boleh profesional atau temen/pacar yg ngerti sama keadaan kita. kedua, lo harus mulai aware, apa penyebab/pemicu lo nyakitin diri lo sendiri?

Udah coba google website2 self help untuk Self-injury kah? Tapi yang penting juga, lo mau berhenti, itu udah step awal yg diperluin banget utk berusaha mengurangi. Karena masih banyak SI di luar sana yg ga tau kalau SI itu bahaya banget.

Thanks for sending a question. Kalau mau ngobrol, lo boleh kirim email atau chat emailmithya@yahoo.com =)

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